Sunday, June 14, 2009


وگاو ماده در هنگام نشخوار ,دير زمانى را كه با خانواده كشاورز گذرانده بود بياد مى آورد,چه زمستانها وچه تابستانهاى سختى بود! دلش براى زن كشاورز مى سوخت كه چند وقتى بود در بستر بيمارى بسر ميبرد,
چقدر دلش براى نوازشهاى آن زن تنگ شده بود
ناگهان لحظه اى نشخوار كردن را قطع كرد و ياد گوساله نازنينش افتاد كه بعد از عروسى پسر كشاورز ديگر هرگز اورا نديده بود ولى خوشبختانه او گاو است و حافظه كوتاه مدتى دارد و بامزاحم شدن مگس سمجى كه پشت گوشش را به خارش انداخته بود رشته افكارش پاره شد
به نشخوار كردن ادامه داد كه به طور اتفاقى چشمش به گاوآهن گوشه طويله افتاد ,با ديدن گاو آهن شخم زدنهاى طاقت فرسا را بياد آورد كه خستگيش كمرشكن بود!چقدر براى اين خانواده زحمت كشيده بود ,بگذريم از اينكه از شير خودش ,چشمه وجودش ,آن خانواده را سير كرده بودو گاهى حتى شير كافى براى گوساله خودش هم نمى ماند
اما امروز نگاه كشاورز و خانواده اش متفاوت بود,گاو برقى از نگاه انها ميخواند كه لرزه به اندامش مى انداخت.اواسط روز بود كه كشاورز به طويله آمد و دستى بر سر گاو پركار و وفادارش انداخت وبعد او را بيرون برد , ولى اينبار بجاى مزرعه ,او را به كنار چشمه هدايت كرد
گاو كه سيراب شد سرش را بالا برد وديد كه چند نفر به همراه كشاورز به دورش حلقه زده اند و يك نفر چاقو بر ساطور ميكشد . ناگهان آن چند نفر جلو آمدند و گاو ديد كه با يك فشار ناگهانى وهمگانى نقش بر زمين شده است , همانطور كه به پهلو افتاده بود نگاه پر از پرسشى به كشاورز انداخت و شرمندگى را از چشمانش خواند ! آن مرد چاقو بدست با گفتن چند كلمه چاقوى تيزش را بر گردن گاو كشيد و خون سرخ رنگ به هر سو جارى شد.گاو اما سوزش وحشتناكى را در گلويش احساس كرد وخواست براى ابراز درد (ما ما)كند ولى حنجرهاش پاره شده بود , خواست پاهايش را تكان دهد ولى پاهايش را در دستان محكم افرادى يافت كه انگار ميخواستند كشتى بگيرند
گاو ديگر احساس درد نميكرد بلكه حس عجيبى به سراغش آمده بود ,در افق گوساله نازنينش را ميديد كه به طرفش ميدويد
آن روز كشاورز بس از تقسيم گوشت قربانى از همه خواست كه براى سلامتى زنش دعا كنند وسپس به خانه برگشت و پوست دباغى شده گاو را به كنار پوست گوساله انداخت تا نشيمنگاهش دو چندان گرم و نرم شود كه ناگهان صداى ضجه دخترش را شنيد كه فرياد ميزد
مــــــــــامــــــــان مـــــــــــــرد
بارزان ساعت 1:30 بامداد 2007-12-01
the cow
And while the naive cow was chewing her cud, she remembered the long time that she had been living with the farmer family. What a difficult summer and winter she had with them!
She felt pity for farmer’s wife who had been sick for a long time. How she had missed her patting.
All of a sudden, she stopped chewing for a while and remembered her pretty calf which she hadn’t seen him since farmer’s son wedding. But thank God she was a cow, and cows usually have an absent-mind. Her mind drifted off by a bothering and annoying mosquito.
She continued to chew her cud when she suddenly looked at the barn’s ploughshare. She stared for a while and went on dreaming. The ploughshare reminded her of hard and tiresome ploughs which she had done for farmer. How she had tired herself for the sake of this family. Let’s not forget that she had also given this family milk so that they would enjoy their life more. She even did not have enough milk for her calf sometimes!
But today the way farmer looked at the cow was different. You could read from his eyes that his was pleased. The cow noticed the way he was looking at her which was the sign of a dangerous incident. It was the middle of the day when the farmer came to the barn and touched his faithful and hard-working cow gently. He took the cow out of the barn, but this time they went towards the spring instead of the farm.
After the cow drunk enough water, she looked around and found herself between several people who she had seen when the farmer took her calf in his son’s wedding. They had surrounded her. One of them had a big, sharp and scary cleaver in his hands. They came closer and closer, and they pushed the cow very harshly. After a few seconds the cow fell over. She was on that position when she looked at the farmer’s eyes. She found a cruel but remorseful human in front of her big and surprised eyes. She looked around and moaned pitifully. She knew what is going to happen. After saying some weird words the man, who had a cleaver in his hands, slashed the cleaver and slit the cow’s throat open. Blood was every where, and it was as red as sunset color. She wanted to moan, but she couldn’t. She wanted to run away but the cruel people had grabbed her feet tightly. The miserable cow felt a very painful pain. After a while the cow didn’t feel anything any longer. She had a strange feeling as she is becoming a lot younger. In the horizon, she saw her little, lovely and sweet calf which was coming to her. …
That day the farmer spread out the sacrificial meat and wanted everyone to pray for his wife. Then he came back home and put the cow’s tanned skin beside the calf skin so that he could have a warmer place to sit. He was relaxed after a hard day when out of the blue his daughter came out of the house and cried:
“Mom is dead.”
translated by ma dear brother 'kamran' from persian into english

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

che gave mehrabooni boode, ye lahze delam khast gav basham , ama ........